A Grain of Sand

We just finished our annual Vision Trip to the Dominican Republic.  Some participants were first-timers, others returned to update past ministry accomplishments. We toured two-story concrete school buildings which replaced both a former chicken shack, and also a crowded apartment in another village.  A spacious concrete home now houses the Betesda boys and a beautiful apartment building accommodates graduated young adults in Monte Plata as they transition to full independence.

There were many comments as people reminisced about what God had done over the last few years. They noted the changes and growth in people. The teachers busied about with big smiles and heads held high in schools which can now offer English and computer classes. Gone was the former half-embarrassed body language and muted voice of the school Director as he directed the children’s choir.  “Aleluia, Aleluia, for the Lord God Almighty reigns,” their voices beautifully intoned in English.  An orphan boy from Monte Plata Orphanage, now a young man in dental school, shared his gratitude to those who loved, educated and taught him about Jesus, and for his sponsor (he calls her his gran-mama) who is paying for his dental school.

Perhaps most humbling was the realization that as we serve our King of Kings, each one of us can only do a little.  When the needs are so great, it is tempting to think, “I can’t do much.”  Or, “I haven’t been able to make that big of a difference.”  When acknowledging a contribution, large or small, Dominicans will often say, “I added a grain of sand (un granito de arena).”  A grain of sand by itself is a very small thing.  Although we often have limited vision and puny faith, our all-powerful, all-gracious God accepts our little grain of sand, and accomplishes His great purposes.

When we give what we have, no matter how small; when we respond to the small voice of the Spirit in our hearts; when by faith we invest our sweat, our efforts, we are sometimes granted the privilege of seeing just a smidgen of what God has done through our combined efforts.  Sometimes God also allows a tiny peek into the future and by faith we dare to dream even bigger Kingdom dreams.  One of those dreams for the future is a new home for the Higuey boys Home, known as “A Better World.” During the Vision Trip we received a promise of a matching contribution of $15,000.  Please consider adding your “grain of sand” to this project.  The need is urgent, and we hope to start construction this Spring. 

Donations can be made online https://www.stchm.org/ways-to-help/. Please be sure and designate in the comment box that your donation is for the Higuey Boys Home. For more information, please call 361.994.0940.
For more information and pictures regarding the Higuey Orphanage click link below:

Pushing Back The Dark

Mission Trips 2019 began in January with the First Baptist mission team from Allen, Texas.  Their main focus was evangelism. Villa Altagracia is a village where STCHM mission teams have built a two-story school building. Rodney and Nilsia lead the school, but recently the IBQ church under the leadership of Pastor Rudy have commissioned this couple to begin a church in the school facilities.  They have also pledged some monthly support to help them plant this church.

The Allen group partnered with the ministry in Villa Altagracia for a significant part of their activities.  They traveled to Villa Altagracia for children’s meetings in the afternoon.  After that activity they divided into groups of 4-5 and walked the streets of Villa Altagracia sharing their testimonies and the Gospel.  They also invited the community to attend evangelistic services on two nights at the school.  Rented chairs, and a make-shift canvas tent hoped to shield a few people from the expected rain.  But God held back the rain!

God also performed another miracle that first night.  Directly outside of the school a crew of men and a huge rented machine were digging a well.  Boom!  Boom! Boom!  All through the children’s Bible classes the noise was deafening.  Surely, we asked, they would stop when night came?  Wrong!  The machine was rented per day at a very high cost, and they planned to dig through the night until the job was done.  Now what to do?  It was one thing to tolerate that noise over 100 noisy children, but an evening church service and a message to adults?  We asked Russell, “What do we do now?”  O ye of little faith.  Russell’s answer?  “Don’t worry.  All Satan has is a machine.  We have God on our side!”  At exactly 7 pm, the men paused their machine for one hour and we held our evangelistic service!!  An even greater miracle was the 3 adults who accepted Christ as a result of these efforts.

As an integral part of evangelism, the Bible was highlighted through Bible memory competitions, the purchase and gifting of Bibles in the Spanish language, and a training for leaders of Bible classes for children.  How can you motivate children (and adults) to memorize Scriptures?  The Allen group demonstrated some unique methods through drills, competitions and games.  Even the boys at the Betesda Home joined in the competition to find books of the Bible with the new Bible that the team had given them.

Through the efforts of this mission team, God’s Spirit pushed back the darkness in the Villa Altagracia village, and especially in the lives of the many individuals who heard the Gospel, those that accepted Christ, and many more who received Bibles. As the Allen trip ended, they knew that the Word of God that they left behind would continue to be alive and active, sharper than a two-edged sword, and penetrating to the soul and spirit.  (From Hebrews 4:12)