The Ministry Continues – Keeping it Social – Distanced!
We are excited to see God continue to work in our ministry through you, our supporters, and those who benefit from our ministries.
We have prayerfully scheduled events this Fall to keep you engaged and to help sustain and promote our ministry. Our events have been planned and prepared with safety in mind as well as being good stewards of funds and providing helpful resources.
We understand this has been a challenging year for everyone. And we appreciate your commitment to our ministries. You help the Ministry Continue! We have already had one successful event, and hope you will join us for the next upcoming events!
The iCare Conference was held earlier this month. Due to the restrictions and safety of our attendees – we hosted our first-ever virtual event. Approximately 150 people attended, along with featured speaker, Candace Payne (also known as Chewbacca Mom). She was motivating and inspirational to those who attended.
Our sessions were led by the STCH Ministries Family Counseling team as well as other community leaders who provide mental, educational and spiritual guidance.
Topics ranged from:
- Burn-out for those in ministry
- Learning about the real dangers of social media
- Understanding the impact of trauma
- Setting limits without guilt
- Potential long term effects of the COVID-10 pandemic
Being virtual provided the opportunity to reach more participants in the south Texas region. We are privileged to provide training to those serving in professions and roles which help others.
We are excited to announce our annual Ladies for the Least Event will now be VIRTUAL! It will be a little different than our in-person luncheon – but we faithfully expect to have a successful event. Virtual access will provide women the opportunity to participate no matter where they’re located!
Supporting this event will help fund a NEW ministry project which will make a difference in lives every day! Please join us in changing lives.
Saturday, October 24, 2020
11:00 AM (via ZOOM)
Click here to register: LADIES EVENT!
* Can’t make this date and time? You can still participate! Once you register you will gain access to the recorded event so you can watch and vote – if you purchased a voting ticket.
Ladies for the Least is comprised of those with a servant’s heart, a group of ladies who are passionate about impacting the lives of children, families and individuals in need of hope – “those who are among the least.” – Matthew 25:30
One event NOT going virtual is our annual Golf Classic. This is a perfect way to social distance with your friends while enjoying a day out on the golf course and helping support our ministry.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club
9800 Hyatt Resort Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78251
Click here to register: LET’S GOLF!
All proceeds from this tournament will directly support the operational expenses of STCH Ministries.
Thank you again for your continued prayers, support and commitment to STCH Ministries and those we serve. As we navigate this season of COVID-19 we remain faithful and dedicated to God’s Plans for our lives and those in our ministry.
“For we live by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7
As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about the events we’re hosting or want to be more involved, please let me know.
Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!