Bridging the Gap

Thank you for taking time to read through our Messenger! What a blessing it is for us to show you some of the ways in which God is working through STCH Ministries. As you read through the stories shared, please take a moment to say a prayer for those highlighted. As you know, what is shared is a small portion of their story and we know God has a great plan. 

I find bridges to be marvels of engineering. The civil and structural engineers who design and build bridges have the complex responsibility of managing many phases of the design and construction that are vital to the project’s success. Some of these phases include site planning, foundation work, building the substructure, completing the superstructure, inspections and testing to name a few. Many times, architects are involved in the design of a bridge for a variety of reasons. Some bridges are fairly simple to build and others are seriously complex. 

Generally speaking, bridges are designed and built with painstaking detail to provide a way to cross an obstacle, such as a body of water, valley, road or railway, without blocking the path underneath. We rely greatly on bridges to help us navigate through our lives. I challenge you to think about how often you use a bridge. How much designing and planning went into that bridge, and how much more difficult our lives would be without it? 

When I think of bridges, I think of connection in spite of an obstacle. In the same way, bridges are used to overcome obstacles, in life we face situations where we have an obstacle, and we need to overcome it. At times those obstacles can be minor and easily dealt with but other times we need help. I believe it is vital that we are connected with the Great Connector, our heavenly Father. How many times in life have we faced obstacles that seem insurmountable? We must realize that with God, all things are possible. 

You might be facing an obstacle as you read this today. I encourage you; no challenge is too big for the Great Connector. We also know that God uses His people to be that blessing and help in times of trouble. Here at STCH Ministries, that is what we desire; for God to use us how He sees fit, in a variety of situations, to reveal His character to those we minister to. I am not sure how large of a bridge you need built for the obstacle you are facing, but I do know it starts with God. Also, are you open to God using you to be a connector for those in their time of need? God uses His people to do His work. We know while the needs are great, the laborers are few. 

Let’s commit to being bridge builders for those facing challenges! 

Romans 12:21- Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. 

A Mission Close to Home

FOR THREE YEARS, students and parents from Waypoint Church in Richmond, Texas have traveled to Boothe Campus for a week of missions, including Vacation Bible School, games, worship and fellowship. This year, the group of participants almost doubled in size and a new plan came to fruition. Half of the group stayed and did activities on the Homes for Children campus while the other half traveled to our Marshall Campus in Goliad to spend time with the mothers and children from both Homes for Families campuses. 

The goal of the mission trip was simple: impact generations. Student leaders from the group prepared the different Vacation Bible School stations for the children on campus, including music, story time, games, science activities and snacks. On Tuesday morning when the group arrived, the children on the campus waited patiently as everything came together, but as soon as the activities started, they quickly bonded with their new friends. Estefania, one of the moms on campus shared, “To have Waypoint here with me and my family meant a lot to us. My children have been wanting to be part of something with more children their ages and this was just divine timing for them. They formed new relationships and held on to things they learned being with the group throughout the week.” 

For some students who traveled to Homes for Families, it was their third time attending a STCH Ministries mission trip, but their first time attending one at Homes for Families. One student, Avery, reflected on the most impactful part of the trip. “Being able to see the incredible changes throughout the children as the week progressed was so impactful. With this being our first time on this campus, I was not surprised when some of the children were more closed off than others and maybe didn’t want to participate in everything we were doing. But this made it all the more exciting when, as the week went on, these children would become more and more involved every day, and I was able to see their beautiful personalities take shape and impact everyone around them in such a positive manner.” 

While the children were busy with Vacation Bible School, the mothers attended a workout class with Alli, one of the adults on the trip. Alli, a fitness instructor, created a workout guide entitled “Movement for God,” which she introduced to the mothers during their first fitness session. The session included a high-powered workout as the mothers spoke truth over themselves. “I am bold, brave, believed in. I am fierce, fearless, free. I am strong, confident, His,” rang out around the gym as the women completed the workout. “The smiles on the faces of these women as they began to speak these words aloud were just priceless,” Alli shared. “We sweated, we smiled and we praised during the workout!” 

During a break from the workout, the mothers began sharing their hearts and testimonies with Alli. She paused to listen to stories of transformation and restoration. She felt God telling her to pivot some of the activities she had planned for the rest of the week. As day two of the trip started, Alli invited the church’s worship leader, who was also on the trip, to come and lead worship for the ladies. She had planned for him to do one song but that one song turned into almost two hours of worshipping and connecting with God. Alli realized their hearts needed this more than the workout session she had planned and loved getting to experience these moments with the women. 

Jasmyne, from Marshall Campus, shared, “Spending time with the body of Christ and praising the Lord with each other was so beautiful. I am so grateful to have been a part of that. I am so glad we can encourage and uplift one another.” Another mother, Klavdia, expressed, “I liked worship time, it was a beautiful time to connect with God. The guitar player was a young man who did an amazing job. I have also encouraged my kids to play instruments for worship during church.” 

In the afternoon, Alli’s sister-in-law, Michelle, visited with the mothers. The women gathered in the kitchen as Michelle showed them how to prepare fresh, healthy meals. As she cooked, she shared how food can heal the body and help the mind, not just for the mothers, but for their children also. After the meal preparation, the women gathered around the table, shared their stories and asked questions about what they had learned. Jasmyne also shared, “The Lord reminded me to change my perspective, taking my eyes off of me and keeping them on Him and His holy Spirit when it comes to my motive for being healthy and fit and in every other area of life.” This time together led to a deeper connection, a bond that will not be easily broken. 

While the mothers and children participated in these fun activities, a group of men from Waypoint helped with maintenance projects around the campus. One of the men, Alli’s husband, Ronnie, felt a special connection to the campus. Ronnie’s father grew up in a boy’s home and Ronnie recognized the importance of impacting not just the mothers but their children as well. “Seeing these kids makes me want to pour love into them, whether through creating a fun atmosphere with games, hanging out or working on projects around campus to make it an even better place for them to learn and grow,” Ronnie shared. “Being on this campus, whether working on the facilities or spending time with the kids, means everything to me. It runs deep, as I know I’m a product of a man who grew up in similar circumstances.” Although the maintenance projects required hard work, the men left refreshed and renewed because of what they accomplished. 

The students and adults from Waypoint loved seeing the impact one week can have on the lives of those on our campuses and in their church. One of the pastors from Waypoint, Randy, expressed, “Seeing God use our student’s willingness to sacrifice being together on one campus was inspiring. Dividing across two campuses allowed us to double our impact and reach kids not previously in our aim. This required a leap of faith to trust God to provide double the student leaders to cover both campuses, give direction to minister to the group of moms at Marshall Campus, and bring twice as many adults with us to assist and direct students across two campuses.” The mothers and children loved having the group on campus and look forward to them coming back in the future. 

STCH Ministries is grateful for the groups that travel to our campuses and take time to pour into the lives of multiple generations. If you or your church are interested in doing a mission trip to one of our campuses please reach out to Theresa Klacman, for Homes for Families, or Benjamin Brewer, for Homes for Children. 

Empowering Communities Through God’s Provision

IN A VIBRANT COMMUNITY NEAR KATY, TEXAS, God transforms lives through STCH Ministries Community Ministries. Partnering with Family Hope and River Bend Baptist Church, they reach out to Venezuelan members of the community and other residents, offering classes that act as essential lifelines for those working to build stable lives. These classes, including Faith & Finances and Faith & Work, serve as vehicles of God’s grace, offering hope and transformation. They are available in Spanish to ensure accessibility for the community. 

Since 2014, Family Hope has been serving northern Fort Bend County, helping transform individuals into healthy families through services such as medical aid, food, rent and utility assistance, job searches and disaster relief. Recognizing the community’s deep spiritual and practical needs, STCH Ministries partnered with Family Hope to complement their mission. The recent restructuring of STCH Ministries Faith & Work into two components — “Job Readiness,” focusing on essential job skills, and the full ten-week course, helping participants apply their unique, God-given design in the marketplace — perfectly aligned with the needs of Family Hope’s people. 

One of the most significant outcomes of this partnership has been offering the Faith & Finances class to the Venezuelan members of the community. For many, financial stability seemed out of reach, complicated by the challenges of life in a new country. However, through the Faith & Finances class, participants learned crucial skills supported by Biblical principles, empowering them to take control of their financial futures with God’s guidance. 

Denis and Gledys, a couple who completed the ten-week program, expressed gratitude for how God worked through the class. 

“We have learned to consider the income and expenses that we have, consult on the expenses and eliminate what does not add or contribute to it,” they wrote. 

“We have learned to communicate; this has made it easier for our finances to be clearer and used for the good of our home.” The lessons go beyond traditional financial education by incorporating Biblical teachings, helping the participants manage their money in a way that honors God and promoting long-term financial health. For members of the community like Denis and Gledys, these God-given lessons are invaluable as they navigate the complexities of a new financial system. 

In addition to financial education, STCH Ministries Faith & Work – Job Readiness equips participants with the skills they need to succeed in the workforce, which is especially crucial for people facing significant barriers to employment. These workshops teach practical job skills while emphasizing the importance of seeking God’s guidance at every step of their career paths. Sikiu Millán participated in the Job Readiness seminars and highlighted the value of these sessions, saying, “It is a super important tool to be able to find that dream job that we talk so much about.” 

These workshops help participants craft resumes that highlight their strengths and align with employer needs, all while keeping God at the center of their goals. This holistic approach equips them with practical tools and instills a sense of purpose and hope grounded in God’s plan for their lives. Daniela, another participant who attended both Faith & Finances and Job Readiness, shared how these teachings transformed her life. “Participating in the classes that STCH Ministries offers has helped me in many ways; I followed everything they said, step by step. I dressed, spoke, acted and did everything just as they taught in the steps to follow in the class, and the day after my interview, I got the job! I also improved my resume, the right way it is done here in the United States. I highly recommend any course or class offered by STCH Ministries. Their teaching is effective and truly enhances your daily life. I hope it works for everyone as well as it did for me. Also, many thanks to Family Hope for the opportunity to obtain this knowledge through STCH Ministries.” 

River Bend Baptist Church has been instrumental in God’s work through this partnership. When Family Hope needed a facility to host the Faith & Finances class, River Bend Baptist Church answered the call, opening its doors to support this God-driven initiative. This collaboration provided a tremendous opportunity for the church to further its mission of serving the community in God’s name. Beyond providing a venue, River Bend Baptist Church has been actively engaged in food drives and other initiatives to support Family Hope’s efforts. Working together in God’s service, River Bend Baptist Church, Family Hope and STCH Ministries have built a strong support network, making a tangible difference in the lives they serve. 

STCH Ministries Faith & Finances and Faith & Work classes have a profound impact under God’s guidance. For many participants, these classes serve as a turning point, offering them the tools and confidence they need to build a better future for themselves and their families with God’s help. Through the Faith & Finances class, participants learn to manage their money wisely, set financial goals and make informed decisions that will lead to long-term stability—all while keeping God at the center. 

Faith & Work – Job Readiness equips them with the skills they need to succeed in the job market, helping them overcome barriers through faith. 

This author, also the instructor of these Spanish courses, witnessed the transformation in participants who took part in both classes. They arrived as strangers, feeling hopeless and isolated in a new country, seeking community. By the end, they recognized the value of their abilities to the USA and found a path to a fulfilling life here. 

As STCH Ministries continues to expand its reach through partnerships like the one with Family Hope, the potential for God’s impact is limitless. By addressing the community’s immediate needs—such as financial literacy and job readiness—while nurturing spiritual growth, STCH Ministries is creating a lasting legacy of transformation in God’s name. The collaboration between STCH Ministries, Family Hope and River Bend Baptist Church serves as a powerful example of what can be achieved when organizations come together with a shared vision of God’s compassion and service. As they continue to offer life skills classes and other vital services, they are not just changing lives—they are building a stronger, healthier community for generations to come, all to the glory of God. For those involved in these efforts, the rewards are immeasurable. Each success story, each life transformed, is a testament to the power of God working through their faith, education and community support. As STCH Ministries and its partners continue their work, they expect to see many more lives changed for the better, all in God’s perfect timing. 

The full Faith & Work course will be offered through Family Hope in the spring. Like the other classes, it will also be available in Spanish, ensuring that even more lives can be touched by God’s guidance and provision. 

If you are interested in a Faith & Work or Faith & Finances class, please visit, for more information and class schedules. 

When Helping Works

“WHAT IS THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT?” Jesus was asked. His answer: “Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37) With those words, every Christ-follower is commissioned to care for the needs of others. STCH Ministries’ vision states, “We want to create a culture where the needs of families are seen and met in creative and innovative ways.” 

Meeting the needs of families became the impetus for developing the unique approach of designing mission activities that include children and parents working together towards a common goal. STCH Ministries International encourages families to use their unique skills to strengthen other families, inspire leaders and make disciples. There are no cookie-cutter schedules; each trip is customized to use the skills presented by team members to meet the expressed needs of ministry partners. Most importantly, as teams invest resources, training and sweat equity, their investment is nurtured by the boots-on-the-ground, partner ministries with whom they have shared. They can return to see growth and fruit from their efforts, rejoicing as co-laborers, whether in the Dominican Republic or El Salvador. 

Some of the creative and innovative ways mission teams served during the summer of 2024 included giving haircuts to the boys at the Higuey orphanage, many of whom were of Haitian descent. At another site, a nurse taught a class on nutrition to parents. More than one team included children with their parents, demonstrating baking and sewing projects or teaching ESL using a bingo game. Two teams organized and presented a family festival for the local church. Games, musical chairs, a photo booth and a devotional time for children, teens and adults drew many unreached families to the local church. Families worked together to build furniture for Bible classes, orphanages and schools. Classes on finances, CPR training and various lessons on parenting and marriage relationships were shared by team members. 

One participant shared, “I am just a science teacher, but any skill given to God can be used in His kingdom!” 

The central motivation for these diverse ministries is to share the Gospel and equip the saints. When the Apostle Paul discussed the use of diverse gifts in Ephesians 4:12, he made it clear that we have a responsibility to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the body of Christ.” Peter further emphasizes, “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another… Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 4:10-11. 

Schools have become an important focus of mission trip efforts. A typical teacher in public schools may have between 50- 60 children in a classroom without a teacher’s aide, with limited to non-existent basic resources such as books, notebooks, computers and even school supplies. One Dominican teacher shared many years ago, “I remember when we had to break pencils and crayons in half in order to give each child something to write with.” 

For the last 12 years, a group of teachers led by Ruth Ann Mitchell from Crossroads Baptist in The Woodlands, have presented an annual teachers’ conference. Rebeca Dinzey, Director of the Samuel’s Fund sponsorship program, stated: 

“The teacher training has made a great difference in our schools. Innovative ideas and strategies have produced a change in the classroom. Students are more engaged and interested in learning.” 

Along with sharing skills and knowledge with other teachers, the teachers have grown in their passion to share their faith. They have learned to communicate effectively through translators. As one participant stated, “Not speaking Spanish is a speed bump, not an obstacle.” In addition, the goal is not the subject matter but to share creative methods using inexpensive and readily available resources. “Can you use basic pebbles and leaves to teach elementary children to count, add and subtract? How can you keep children engaged using red and green pieces of paper to answer true-or-false questions?” 

Relaxing and swimming in the Caribbean Sea just hours after their 2023 teacher’s conference, Tamara Lee and Janet Holloway felt energized and inspired as they reviewed their recent presentation organized around games and movement. Their text was the Biblical story of creation. They taught and reviewed God’s providence in the creation of the world, then demonstrated innovative games and movement activities that would help children stay engaged and remember important facts. 

The teachers were divided into small groups of 3-4. Every small group then worked together developing hand signs representing each of the seven creation days, then demonstrated them to the larger class. Another activity engaged the natural competitive spirit of the Dominican culture. Participants stood in a circle and tossed a beach ball back and forth to each other. The ball was marked with numbers 1-7. Depending on which number their thumb landed, they called out the corresponding creation event. The circle grew smaller as those who could not remember dropped out. Teachers eagerly grasped how to adapt these activities to teach mathematics and review geography facts, historical events and more. 

“I know what we are presenting next year for our topic,” Tamara declared. “We’re going to teach how to use graphic organizers for a variety of subjects.” Graphic organizers use diagrams and pictures with minimal words to communicate thoughts. They can demonstrate relationships between facts, and substitute for words of explanation when communicating a bigger idea. 

Over the following year, Janet and Tamara began to research graphic organizers. One type they explored is known as mind mapping. A problem is encircled with limited words, then lines proceed from the circle to various solutions or causes, each identified with a word or two. Visually seeing a problem laid out in a drawing promotes discussion by the verbal learner, and reinforces the visual learner at the same time. 

Teachers often need to communicate significant events in a specific order. The graphic organizer of sequencing illustrates these facts visually. For example, a line drawn across a page or a whiteboard can list a birthdate, then the current date and then another 4-5 significant events in a person’s life. The same tool can be used to teach important milestones in Dominican history, the development of transportation or the evolution of medicine. The graphic organizers challenged teachers to consider, “What would this look like in your own context?” As they understood and assimilated these concepts, the teachers applied them to their specific fields of study—physics, biology and Spanish grammar. 

As Janet and Tamara planned and prayed, they became most excited about a specific graphic organizer depicting a cycle. It was the perfect tool for presenting the Gospel. The cycle graphic organizer would use three circles and keywords, to visually illustrate God’s original perfect creation, then the brokenness that entered the world through sin and finally God’s plan of redemption. 

They began by preparing a folder containing several pages for each participant. A plastic protector encased each page, which would enable a person to write with a marker, and then rub off the words. The first page illustrated the complete Gospel story and each succeeding page left off some of the drawings. The participants could fill in the missing information as they memorized, reviewed and then shared the story with others. 

Together with the whole team, they prayed about every detail. “The previous year, we had worked with an outstanding translator, and we began to pray specifically that God would supply that need again. We even contacted STCH Ministries staff to request him, only to be informed that he would not be attending this year. Swallowing our disappointment, we continued to pray about the translator we needed.” 

On-site in the town of Higuey, they met Scarlett, the young woman assigned as their translator, who was currently employed as a caregiver for the Samuel’s Fund sponsorship program. Winsome and energetic with an ever-present smile, Scarlett worked flawlessly with the team to present the graphic organizers they had prepared. Then, they focused on the three circles diagram. 

The teachers listened, reviewed and practiced sharing the Gospel with each other. Then they were told in English by the presenter, “Now you have homework—go home and practice with a family member, then a friend or a neighbor.” However, Scarlett felt inspired to substitute a word for ‘homework.’ Scarlett translated, “Now you have an opportunity to share with a family member and a neighbor. Come back tomorrow and share your experience with us.” 

Nagela was excited. She went home and shared it with her three daughters, ages 13, 10 and 9. They were familiar with the Gospel story, but as Nagela went through the exercise with them, the Spirit of God applied the message to their own lives personally, and in that moment, they understood their need to accept Christ. “Mama, we are like the broken circle. We don’t always obey, we take things we should not, we don’t treat each other right.” Right there, one at a time, they acknowledged their need for Christ and prayed, accepting Him as their Savior. Nagela’s husband, listening from the other room, came to join their conversation and together they shared in this life-changing moment. 

Nagela could not wait to get to the training on the following day. However, she woke to a tropical rainstorm, a normal occurrence during the Dominican rainy season. Nagela was determined to get to class, although walking was her only option. She arrived late to class. “Am I too late? Has sharing time passed? I have a story to share, is there still time?” she queried. They gladly made time to hear her story, as Nagela eagerly shared the work God had accomplished in their family! 

Later the team of translators and American teachers reviewed the events that had transpired. 

Tamara told Scarlett, “I know a little Spanish, and I realized that you changed my words from homework to opportunity. Thank you for translating my heart!” 

Reflecting on their experience, co-presenters Tamara and Janet shared, “We were telling God what we thought we needed, like, God didn’t know better than we did? From now on we will pray, “God, send me the proper translator. You know what I need!” 

STCH Ministries prayers are empowered by the conviction that individuals in every culture have the responsibility to serve their neighbor, equip them to do His work and build up the church. STCH Ministries believes that individuals and families serving together can effectively minister to the needs of other families and equip churches, schools and orphanages to continue the work God has given them. As they share their gifts and talents collaboratively, they serve each other, and “everything they do brings glory to God through Jesus Christ.” 

Rooted in Faith: The Arriaga Family’s Testimony of God’s Provision

OLGA ARRIAGA STOOD IN THE MIDDLE of the bustling Walmart aisle, surrounded by her five children. The noise of clattering carts and conversations filled the air, but her mind was focused on one thing: needs versus wants. It was a lesson she and her husband, Augustin Sr., had been learning together through STCH Ministries Faith […]