42 Years of Impacting Lives

MARK CHILDS MOVED TO THE BOOTHE CAMPUS in 1982 with his wife, Dru, to become a STCH Ministries Homes for Children caseworker. Now after 42 years of service, working in four different positions and impacting countless lives, Mark is retiring. 

Mark served as a caseworker, Boothe Campus Director, Vice President of Homes for Children, and most recently, Program Specialist, working alongside the state of Texas. Mark led with integrity, compassion and immaculate character in all these positions, “serving the least of these,” which defines him as a leader. Whether at the Texas State Capitol or dealing with a “situation” with a student, he did so with compassion, integrity and Christlikeness. His love for STCH Ministries is evident in the lasting relationships with those entrusted to our care and staff. 

For Mark, the most meaningful aspect of his work was working as a team to break the generational cycle of poverty and abuse. Mark never stopped studying trauma and how to best work with kids affected by it. Mark’s depth of knowledge has been especially evident in his most recent position as Program Specialist, where he has kept STCH Ministries updated on changes from the Department of Family and Protective Services. 

Over the years, Mark has attended countless graduations, officiated multiple weddings and attended funerals for individuals he cared for at STCH Ministries. Caring for the needs of children and families for so long is an incredible legacy, and STCH Ministries has been blessed to have Mark on staff, while those in our care have felt the impact he has had on their lives. 

“Mark’s career can be described as dedicated, heartfelt, self-sacrificing service to children and families in the name of the Lord. On behalf of all those he served in his 42 years at STCH Ministries, I say thank you. His true impact will not be fully understood this side of heaven.” – Eron Green, STCH Ministries President and CEO 

“Congratulations to Mark on his deserved retirement. I will forever be grateful for our friendship. Mark is a genuine and kind person shown by his decency. His servant leadership has been a guide to me and those who have worked alongside him. His dedication and love for those he helped were evident during our 33 years of working together. He taught me not to be so busy to miss those in need around us, our calling. I am profoundly grateful for our friendship.” – Greg Huskey, Vice President of Campus Ministries 

“I appreciate Mark’s wisdom, guidance, dependability, encouragement and loyalty to STCH Ministries. I saw Mark’s care and devotion to STCH Ministries’ children and their families as well as the staff through good and bad times. For a while, Mark’s computer screen said, ‘This Too Shall Pass’ which is much like Mark’s personality. He remains calm during the storm and looks beyond what seem like earth-shattering moments, sharing his steadfastness during chaotic times.” – Ginger Bailey, Quality Improvement Specialist 

As he says his goodbyes, Mark wanted to share, “I don’t remember ever doubting that sense of knowing that we were where we were supposed to be. It has been a privilege and a joy to work alongside so many others called ‘according to the purpose.’ I continue to be amazed at our growth and the life-changing impact at every point of ministry. I feel truly blessed to have been able to play a part in STCH Ministries for so many years.” 

Thank you, Mark, for your 42 years of service.