Adversity Brings Growth
If you are like me, you may be growing weary of the constant feed of information that shows the tragic realities of 2020 in so many ways for so many people. I am sure we could all agree that 2020 will be remembered as a year filled with challenges. That is exactly what we are called to do here at STCH Ministries each day—help families face challenges.
As I look back to 2020, I see a year filled with opportunity. You see, in each crisis we face, there is great opportunity. Opportunity to see how we work in a new way, opportunity to see those we serve in a new way, opportunity to connect and reconnect in a new way and new opportunities to grow closer to our Heavenly Father.
As I look back, it encourages me as I look forward. What great lessons we learned in 2020! We learned that even in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, the ministry can indeed continue. We learned that with all the economic uncertainly, God continues to provide.
As you read through our Messenger, you will hear stories of personal adversity and how that adversity is such an important part of who we are becoming. You will see statistical reports that show the efficiency of our ministry, but most importantly, you will read stories of lives being changed that show the effectiveness of our ministry.
I wish I could tell you that 2020 was an easy year for those we serve, but we all know how much families are struggling in the wake of COVID-19. What I can tell you is we all learned much about resiliency. When I think of being resilient, I think of the biblical story of Joseph. His final words, which were spoken to his brothers, “Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good.” If you are not familiar with Joseph’s story, I implore you to read it from the book of Genesis.
Joseph’s story of suffering is as real as the many stories we read and live out today. Scripture uses a Greek term to describe this painful state of affairs that all of us face. The term is thlipsis. It refers to the kinds of circumstances that strip us of control and deprive us of the happy life we want and expect. The experience of thlipsis tests us, exposes us, forces us to look very hard at ourselves and challenges us to decide whether to trust God or forsake God.
Every day we are making small but monumental decisions in the face of adversity that push us in one direction or another. You know, it’s always the little decisions that matter most, not the big ones. Here is the amazing news of this biblical story. Adversity can actually serve a good purpose! Paul argues that the slight, momentary afflictions to which we are exposed in this life, are preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure. This leads Paul to add, “More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope.”
What has 2020 taught you about your ability to handle adversity? How can we help?
Proverbs 24:10—If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Eron Green, President and CEO