An Invisible Thread

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 

FOR TWENTY-NINE YEARS, STCH Ministries Family Counseling has been providing care, hope and direction when individuals, couples and families need help sorting through the challenges of life. The impact often reaches far beyond the time in counseling as they provide tools and resources for use when needed. Eight years ago, STCH Ministries added Faith & Finances to our list of ministries, teaching God’s principles about money and helping individuals understand their finances better. Over the years, Diane would come across both these ministries as God used an invisible thread to weave her story together. 

In 2016, Diane found her mother unresponsive after suffering a heart attack and brain aneurysm. Her mother remained in a vegetative state, causing anxiety and heartbreak for Diane. On top of these emotions, she experienced guilt as her family shamed her for keeping her alive in her condition. Diane sought encouragement from her associate program director, Melissa, who shared resources available to her through her job. She came across STCH Ministries and decided to schedule an appointment for counseling. 

From the beginning of her time in counseling, Diane felt a sense of peace from her counselor. “My counselor had an amazing and contagious smile, her demeanor was always professional, and she always ended our sessions with prayer,” Diane shared. After three months in counseling, she decided to take a break. In February 2021, her mother passed away and she quickly reached out to STCH Ministries again seeking grief counseling. This was the first time Diane felt the invisible thread as she discovered she would see the same counselor as before. 

As Diane started counseling again, she acknowledged that she carried a lot of unresolved issues. “I was angry, depressed and had an extreme amount of anxiety,” she shared. “I was full of bitterness, and I was very resentful. Some of that was directed towards God.” She attended sessions virtually and loved that every session started with a smile and ended in prayer. She never felt judged and felt the freedom to express herself freely. During the sessions, Diane worked through her unresolved issues and felt the relief of God slowly removing anxiety and depression from her life. 

When it was time for her last counseling session, she expected to feel emotional ending the journey. After her mother’s passing, she felt like she had hit rock bottom. Before Diane left, she asked her counselor if she could share some scriptures that would help with depression or anxiety. Not only did her counselor send scripture, but she also sent the song “JOY” by For King & Country. This simple gesture opened Diane’s eyes to a new world, as she had never listened to Christian music outside of hymns and worship songs at church. She started transitioning her worries into worship and her battles into blessings. 

Growing up, Diane attended church with her aunt and gave her life to Christ at a young age but struggled with truly living for Christ. After her mother’s passing, she felt like she had truly hit rock bottom. Through counseling, the support of those at her church, God’s House Church and Pastor JC and his wife Yvette, she felt her relationship with Christ grow stronger. “Even though I fall short of His glory every day, I feel like He’s a part of my life and I can’t live without Him,” she shared. On July 9, 2022, Diane was baptized in the Blanco River. She felt anxious that day because she was the only one getting baptized. One of the other church members eased her anxiety by sharing that God leaves the 99 for the 1, and in that moment, she was the one. Diane experienced healing that day and gave all the glory to God, but God was not done with her story. 

A couple of years later, Diane decided to attend what she thought was a Bible study with her friend, Linda, at Widow’s Mite in San Antonio. When she walked into the room, she realized it was not a Bible study, but a STCH Ministries Faith & Finances class. She quickly became emotional as she felt the invisible thread continuing to work. Even though she did not fully understand why she happened upon this class, she sat down and took in everything as the facilitator spoke. After the first class, she decided this was where she needed to be and signed up to continue the course. 

The fact that the course was faith-based made an impression on Diane. “It teaches you how to use your money for the glory of God, which to me is super important,” she shared. Diane has always considered herself generous but did not always have the means to be overly generous. Through the course, she learned a different way to handle her finances and how to keep God at the center. 

One of the most impactful aspects of the course was the relationships formed with other participants. Not only did they learn about finances together, but they stayed and worshipped after every class. This allowed Diane to build deeper relationships with the other women and feel safe about sharing throughout the course. Towards the end of the 11 weeks, Diane and the other women even went on a retreat together where the bonds they created during Faith & Finances grew even stronger. 

Diane’s favorite assignment during the course came towards the end. The facilitator presented everyone with a $10 bill and instructed them to return to the group and share how they used it. For Diane, this assignment seemed intimidating at first because she did not like speaking in front of people. “I feel like all this stuff is something God has a bigger plan for. I even stood up and presented for Linda, who couldn’t be there that day,” Diane shared. As she clung to her favorite verse, Philippians 4:13, she could stand and speak in front of the class because she found her strength in Christ. Diane misses the Faith & Finances class but the relationships she built remain strong. She visits Widow’s Mite often and looks forward to the future with them. 

Eight years ago, the name STCH Ministries did not mean anything to Diane. Today, STCH Ministries means hope and healing. 

“STCH Ministries was definitely a blessing sent from God. They provided support and healing through the love of Christ,” Diane shared. “There, I was able to leave all my worries and pain at the foot of the cross, leading me to a closer relationship with God.” 

Through everything, God weaved STCH Ministries into Diane’s story to help her through her lowest moments and reveal that JOY is possible.