God’s Beautiful Masterpiece

SOMETIMES, LIFE CAN FEEL LIKE A PAINTING, each moment a brushstroke from God. The brushstrokes may seem thick and harsh during difficult times, while the pleasant moments appear light and airy. Yet, as a whole, the artwork remains unique and beautiful. One STCH Ministries Boothe Campus student, Sam, described his life as a painting from God, each moment perfectly planned. 

In July 2022, Sam and his brother Lane moved to Boothe Campus – a place their stepmom had learned about over 15 years earlier but had not considered regularly. One night, as their stepmom prayed for a safe place for the boys, God placed STCH Ministries on her heart. Shortly after, their family began the process of moving the boys to the campus. 

“I was struggling to get through life,” Sam shared. “But God got me here. After being on the waiting list and finally getting here, I felt protected, safe and happy, and God has been here for me ever since.” 

Upon arriving on campus, the brothers were placed in separate cottages. Lane moved into Love Cottage, while Sam lived in Youker Cottage. Although Sam did not enjoy living away from his brother, God knew he needed to spend time in Youker Cottage before moving. Sam quickly became close with his housepop, Jesse, who showed Sam around the campus and helped him understand how everything worked. Little did Jesse know that he was showing Sam something much more valuable. 

“Every day, I would see him wake up, get ready, make breakfast – all with the biggest smile,” Sam recalled. “He would talk about Jesus and devotions and just be so excited.” Even though Sam was young (only in 5th grade at the time), he noticed something different in Jesse, something he had witnessed when attending church with his grandmother when he was younger. He saw both a fire and peace in him and began to ask questions. 

A month after arriving on the Boothe Campus, everything changed for Sam. “One day, Mr. Jesse shared about how God loves him and God loves me,” Sam shared. “After he told me that, I got so happy, and my heart felt different. I went from feeling sad deep down to being filled with happiness, and I felt butterflies. That night, I talked with Mr. Jesse and on August 22, 2022, I got saved.” From that moment, Sam began noticing a difference in himself. He felt happier, started trusting God’s plan for his life and accepting where he was. 

Shortly after having this life-changing moment with Jesse, Sam moved to Love Cottage to be closer to his brother. However, he recognized the time spent in Youker with Jesse was an integral part of God’s painting of his life. Over the next two years, Sam’s life illustrated 1 Timothy 4:12 daily, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” He used every moment to be an example for the other children and adults on the campus. On July 14, 2023, Sam and his brother Lane were baptized together in the Boothe Campus pool. Sam loved the opportunity to make an outward profession for the whole campus to witness. He wanted them to see how God had changed him – and that God could change them too. 

Sam did not stop there, though. He wanted to learn how to speak and share the good news – he wanted to preach a sermon. He started to talk with a caseworker on staff who also preached at a local church. The caseworker agreed to work with him and allowed Sam to preach at his church. Sam knew immediately what verse he wanted to focus on: 

Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” 

This verse helped Sam through difficult times, and he held it in his heart as his life’s verse. 

Sam and the caseworker spent weeks preparing for the sermon. Sam struggled with the anxiety of speaking in front of a room of people, understandably, as he was only 12 years old. One day, they went into the Boothe Campus chapel so Sam could practice. He felt like he had only been speaking for two minutes when the caseworker told him he had been up there for 15 minutes. At that moment, Sam felt he was ready. On Thursday, August 15, 2024, he went to Normanna Baptist Church and preached his first sermon. Now, he cannot wait to preach his next and feels he is called to be a pastor. 

From a young age, Sam faced difficult times that helped shape him into the young man he is today, but his age and his past do not define him. He has allowed God to shape him into a leader for those around him. When asked what his favorite part about being at Homes for Children is, he responded with a smile on his face, “Getting to know Jesus and His plan for my life. Getting saved, being baptized and getting to preach my first sermon!” The staff on the Boothe Campus shared how they have seen Sam grow and what his life has meant to them. 

“Sam is a great kid, and I remember the day he gave his life to Jesus. We were sitting together talking and he said he was ready to be a Christian. We both prayed and I’m sure we both shed a few tears. He has grown in his faith since that day, and he is not ashamed to tell people about the big change in his life. It was a joy to share this experience with him.” – Jesse, housepop – Youker Cottage 

“Sam is a constant reminder of what it means to live with unwavering purpose and steadfast faith. Every time I see him rise to the challenge, I’m compelled to grow deeper in my own walk with Christ. His faith is a powerful example, and the way he leads by his actions stirs me to be a better follower and a stronger disciple.” – Benjamin, Student Ministries Coordinator 

“Despite the many obstacles that Sam has had to overcome, he manages to always remain a kind and caring person. Getting to see his walk with Christ has truly been a blessing and I know that I will cherish the memories of his baptism and first sermon for the rest of my life. I am so very proud and honored to be a part of his life, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for him.” – Melissa, housemom – Love Cottage 

“You can visibly see the man within the boy that is Sam. His maturity sometimes conflicts with his youth, but with each step, he moves towards a stronger relationship with our Lord.” – CJ, housepop – Love Cottage 

God is not finished with Sam’s painting, He has only just begun. While Sam knows he will face trials and tribulations in life, he also knows that God will be by his side every step of the way, using every moment, every brushstroke to create a beautifully unique painting.