To be considered for placement, the child must meet the following requirements:
- Children living at STCH Ministries Homes for Children must be willing to cooperate and work toward goals both at Boothe Campus and at school.
- The child’s intelligence must be within the average range. (STCH Ministries Homes for Children may not accept a child into care whose needs can be met in a facility specializing in services for children with mental disabilities.)
- The child’s behavior must be of a controllable and manageable nature which will allow them to function within the cottage-group living situation at Boothe Campus. (STCH Ministries may not receive children who are in need of a Residential Treatment Center.)
- The child’s physical condition must be satisfactory and the child must not have any physical limitations which would prohibit Homes for Children programs from meeting the child’s needs.
- The child’s behavior or health may not endanger other children or themselves.
STCH Ministries Homes for Children is licensed to care for children from ages 0-17 years old and will consider children from within Texas, as limited by the program.
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