How can I get an application?
For your convenience, our residential placement application is available online. The family or person who is placing the child will complete the application.
You may also contact Social Services on Boothe Campus at 361.375.2101 and request that an application packet be mailed, faxed, or emailed to you. Social Services staff will be available by phone to assess your child’s situation and determine if STCH Ministries Homes for Children can meet their needs.
How much does it cost to place a child at Homes for Children?
We provide all of our services regardless of an individual or family’s ability to pay for them. No child is ever denied service for financial reasons. The family will be encouraged to contribute toward the care of the child, if possible, while in placement.
What happens if my child refuses to come?
A child’s own willingness to accept placement and to make an honest effort is a great determining factor for success.
What if my child is not appropriate for your program?
We can help you with referrals for other agencies or facilities which may be able to offer you their services. We recommend that you contact our Social Services Department before completing an application to find out whether or not your child may be considered for placement.
Do you provide counseling?
We offer individual and family counseling for residents in our care through our Family Counseling ministry.
Will I be able to find out how well my child is progressing?
The child’s caseworker will be the designated contact person regarding a child’s progress. Any questions or concerns about the child’s progress should be directed to the caseworker. The Service Plan is an important document that specifies the needs to be met and services to be provided. It describes the responsibilities of the child, the family and STCH Ministries Homes for Children, who must all work together to carry out and fulfill this Service Plan.
The child, family and staff will evaluate the child’s progress every eight weeks initially and then every 6 months thereafter during the child’s placement.
What is the living environment like on your campuses?
In each cottage, there is an adult couple serving as houseparents. They have the primary responsibility for the day-to-day care and supervision of the child while in our care. They try to establish a meaningful relationship with each child, to be sensitive, and to teach them appropriate behavior. The atmosphere is that of a caring family, with up to eight residents per cottage. Residents participate with the houseparents in making the home a safe, comfortable place to live. Household responsibilities, life skills education, and recreational activities are organized to help children learn responsibility in a structured living situation.
How often will I get to see my children if they are accepted?
It is important for every child to have significant people involved in their lives. STCH Ministries Homes for Children will follow the child’s Service Plan and Homes for Children Visitation Policy regarding visitation and contact.
Are residents allowed to have family contact through mail and phone calls?
Children may send and receive mail at any time, unless limited by the Service Plan. Parents are encouraged to write regularly. The children often worry and get upset when long periods of time go by and they have not heard from their parents. The children need to know what is happening with their family and to have the assurance that they can get in touch with their family at all times. It is also important that we are able to contact parents at all times in case of emergency. It is imperative that parents or guardians notify us of any change of address, phone number, marital status, or employment as soon as possible.
Homes for Children also encourages you to contact your child by phone. Your child must call collect or use calling cards when contacting you. Children in care may not have cell phones.
Are parents required to sign over their parental rights?
No. Parents who place a child at STCH Ministries Homes for Children are not required to give up their parental rights.
Do you have to live in Texas to place a child at Homes for Children?
Yes. A child’s parent or the person placing the child must reside in Texas. We are not able to provide services to out-of-state residents.
Do you take special needs children in your programs?
Homes for Children is not equipped to accept children who are violent or destructive towards themselves or others, physically or sexually aggressive, or substance abusers. Our intake staff will evaluate situations on a case to case basis.
Does Homes for Children provide an on-campus school?
No. Children placed in our care attend school at Pettus ISD, so they must be able to function in a public school setting.
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