OLGA ARRIAGA STOOD IN THE MIDDLE of the bustling Walmart aisle, surrounded by her five children. The noise of clattering carts and conversations filled the air, but her mind was focused on one thing: needs versus wants. It was a lesson she and her husband, Augustin Sr., had been learning together through STCH Ministries Faith & Finances.

As they picked items off the shelves, her children reminded her, “Mom, just what we need. Take some wants out, take just what we need.”

This shopping trip was a testament to how far the Arriaga family had come, a sign of God’s work in their lives – healing, restoring and transforming them from the inside out.

The Arriagas’ journey with STCH Ministries began a couple of years ago when they came across their booth at a Christmas event at a local Corpus Christi elementary school. At the time, the family was struggling with financial challenges and searching for a way to improve their situation. When they learned about STCH Ministries Faith & Finances, they decided to sign up, hoping it would provide the help they were looking for.

The course immediately had a deep impact on them. Olga shared, “I have learned about wants and needs, but what’s even more impactful is that my children are learning alongside me.” The children’s new understanding of financial responsibility was clear, as they demonstrated in the Walmart aisle. Olga continued, “The class taught us about having emergency savings and how to put God first.”

As a family of seven, the Arriagas knew the pressure of making ends meet. With two children in high school, two in middle school and one in elementary school, their needs were many, and their resources stretched thin. Through Faith & Finances though, they learned to prioritize their spending, start an emergency savings fund and, most importantly, to trust God with their first fruits.

Their eight-year-old son, Augustin Arriaga III, proudly shared, “I get a $2.00 allowance a week, and I usually spend it on candy by the end of the weekend. But I decided to start saving my money, and I have six dollars saved so far.” Even the youngest members of the family were internalizing the lessons from Faith & Finances.

“God is my strength,” Olga often reminds herself, echoing Psalm 28:7. It is a verse that has carried her through countless challenges, especially as they faced one of the hardest trials yet – Augustin Sr.’s deteriorating health.

At just 40 years old, Augustin Sr. was diagnosed with a severe heart condition that would eventually require a transplant. The diagnosis shocked the family. Shortly after, Augustin found himself hospitalized for weeks, unable to work and facing the reality of his condition.

His illness meant that the family’s financial situation became even more uncertain. With Augustin out of work and only able to take on light duties when he returned, the burden fell largely on Olga to keep the family afloat. But rather than despair, the Arriagas leaned on their faith and the support of their church community at Solid Rock Church in Corpus Christi.

In their darkest hours, STCH Ministries and its partners stepped in to provide much-needed support. Through the generosity of Crossbridge Fellowship Church and Yorktown Baptist Church, the family received groceries, backpacks for the children and even school clothes through a collaboration with STCH Ministries.

Alicia Tijerina, a Site Coordinator at STCH Ministries, shared her experience: “We recently had a meeting with Charny Beck, STCH Ministries Vice President of Community Ministries, where we agreed to help provide support for the Arriaga children. Taking them shopping and witnessing the children’s joyful faces truly warmed our hearts. It was incredible to see the family receiving this support from STCH Ministries and other partners.”

Even while navigating these challenges, the Arriagas remained committed to their personal growth and faith. They returned to STCH Ministries to take the full ten-week Faith & Work course, which helped them apply their faith to every aspect of their lives – including their jobs.

“I’ve always believed that God gives us strength and wisdom to be loyal and steadfast in all things,” Augustin reflected. His desire to trust God more deeply and lead his family through this difficult season was clear. “Being a believer and follower of Christ, I trust more in others and in God. I pray often, lead my family and work to be a good husband, father, co-worker and neighbor.”

Each of the five Arriaga children has their own unique strengths and spiritual gifts, and through their parents’ example, they are growing in their faith. Karina, their 16-year-old daughter, spoke passionately about her desire to build a strong relationship with God and how she hopes to become a nurse practitioner – a role she sees as an extension of her God-given ability and desire to help others.

“My spiritual gift is faith,” Karina said confidently, explaining how she trusts in God’s plan for her life. “I trust that everything in my life is part of God’s plan, and I want to encourage others to do the same.”

Her younger siblings shared similar sentiments. Adrianna, 14, expressed her love for art and creativity, while 12-year-old Augustin Jr. finds joy in playing the violin. Even little Augustin III shared his desire to grow in wisdom and figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.

Looking ahead, the Arriaga family is filled with hope. They are eagerly anticipating taking STCH Ministries Faith & Work – Job Readiness course in the fall, which they believe will open even more doors for their family. Despite the uncertainty surrounding Augustin Sr.’s health, they remain steadfast in their faith, trusting that God will continue to provide for their needs. 

“God has been our strength through everything,” Olga declared. “From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, He is with us. We’ve seen His hand at work in our lives, in the help we’ve received, and in the lessons we’ve learned. And we know that no matter what comes next, He will continue to guide us.”

The Arriaga family’s story is a testament to the healing, restoration and transformation that God brings. Their journey reflects how faith and community have helped them rise above challenges with grace and perseverance.

Through their continued trust in God’s plan, the Arriagas offer hope to others facing similar struggles. Through the support of STCH Ministries and the partnership of churches and community members, families are empowered to grow, thrive and trust in God’s plan. STCH Ministries continues to build God’s kingdom by enabling others to join in ministry, fulfilling the call of Hebrews 10:24-25 to encourage one another in love and good deeds. The Arriagas, through their faith and perseverance, demonstrate this call.