Equipping Mothers

IN 2019, STCH MINISTRIES FINISHED WRITING its own curriculum for a ten-week course entitled Faith & Work. The purpose? To help individuals discover God’s purpose for their lives. Through the course, participants are equipped to improve work skills, overcome obstacles, grow as leaders and gain confidence to pursue careers that fully utilize their potential, all while keeping God at the center. 

Over the last five years, Faith & Work has been taught in a wide range of settings. Churches, non-profits and businesses have all taken advantage of the curriculum to help individuals in different stages of life. Recently, the mothers at STCH Ministries Homes for Families were given the opportunity to take the class on the Marshall Campus. Alicia Tijerina, Faith & Work | Faith & Finances Site Coordinator in Corpus Christi, along with her husband, David, traveled once a week to teach these important lessons. 

On Faith & Work graduation day, the mothers dressed up to receive certificates honoring their achievements. They celebrated alongside Faith & Work and Homes for Families staff, with some of the mothers sharing what the Faith & Work class meant to them. 

“Faith & Work has taught me how to put into action my faith in my workplace. I now recognize that all I do is for the Lord and how I am to remain transformed by the renewing of my mind and not to become conformed. I will be holding close to all that I have learned as I continue to grow in my walk with the Lord. My mission statement has helped me recognize my purpose and so much more.” – Jasmyne 

“The Faith & Work program helped me understand the importance of workplace etiquette, and that I am a Masterpiece created to do God’s good works. Using scripture to encourage my walk with Christ in the workplace concreted the importance of my role as a light in the workplace. The one thing that impacted me the most is my mission statement; with this statement, I can better align my life with God’s truth and promises in and out of the workplace.” – Estefania 

“Faith & Work has taught me that I am His Masterpiece and that my work ethic should be the same at work as it is at home. Colossians 3:17 – ‘And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.’” – Kisha 

“Faith & Work taught me how having integrity and being honest in the workplace matters. I did not realize how my faith in God and being a good steward at work went hand in hand. I learned so much about myself and how to be a better employee.” – Destinee 

“It was awesome to come up with core values and a mission statement for myself. It gave me a standard to look to as a Christian and an employee.” – Brandy 

STCH Ministries is thankful for the ability to connect our various ministries, allowing us to impact more individuals. The Homes for Families staff is excited to embrace and expand upon the teachings from the Faith & Work class to continue equipping the mothers for their career journeys. As we look ahead, we see a bright future for them, and we pray for the continued guidance of the Lord in their lives.