The Christian Leadership and Education Project (CLEP) is a sponsorship program that matches sponsors with Dominican college students that the sponsors select from a group of available students.
The cost of a college education in the Dominican Republic is surprisingly affordable at about $120 a month. You can sponsor this full amount or become a co-sponsor for only $60 per month. You can also send one-time contributions of any amount to the CLEP Fund to help CLEP students who are waiting by faith for the opportunity to get their college degree.
As a CLEP Sponsor, you can help develop independent young adults who can impact their culture for Christ. Contact us at 361.994.0940 or by email, to begin your sponsorship! All gifts are tax-deductible. Every sponsorship dollar goes directly to meet the needs of our sponsored children and nothing is deducted for administrative costs.
What Sponsors Receive
- An information packet with a photo and basic information about your student’s educational goals
- A yearly report with an update on your student’s progress and a letter from your student
- The opportunity to visit your sponsored student in the Dominican Republic and assistance with arranging the visit (many have visited their CLEP student while participating in a STCH Ministries mission trip!)
What Students Receive
- Financial help for educational needs, such as college tuition, books, and supplies.
- Each CLEP student is required to contribute a minimum of 10 hours a month in ministry to younger Samuel’s Fund children as tutors and mentors.
How to Give
Every sponsorship dollar given goes directly to meet the educational needs of the sponsored student. Rebeca Dinzey, a Dominican school teacher and faithful Christian who now serves STCH Ministries full-time in the DR, administers all CLEP contributions and follows each student’s progress.
Sponsorship gifts can be made monthly, quarterly, or annually. Click here to make your tax-deductible contributions online with a credit card through our website, and be sure to designate that your gift is for sponsoring a Samuel’s Fund/CLEP student. If preferred, contribution checks may be sent to:
STCH Ministries International
P.O. Box 1210
Beeville, Texas 78104-1210
Social Links