Heal, Restore, Transform
Our Mission, Vision & Core Values
Our Mission, Vision & Core Values
Our Mission, Vision & Core Values
Our vision is to show the love of Christ to each and every child and family to whom we minister. We do this by creating a culture where the needs of families are seen and met in creative and innovative ways. Efficiency and accountability are strategic priorities with effectiveness and excellence the resulting evidence. We desire God to use STCH Ministries in mighty ways to do His work.
How we serve:
Whether providing a safe home for a child in need, counseling a couple, assisting single moms, leading a mission team, or working behind the scenes in the business office, we desire to do all that we do in love and with excellence.
To serve others to the best of our ability, we will hold one another accountable by setting program and employee-specific goals and working together in a spirit of unity.
Trust is the key to any relationship and we will build this trust each day by choosing to walk in truth, understanding, and wisdom.
We believe in seeking God individually and corporately to develop a vision for the future as we grow in effectiveness and excellence.
As we trust God to guide and direct us we will give all that we are to Him – our strengths and our weaknesses; the challenges and the glory – for all good things come from His hand.
Through God’s leadership and power, we will press on to become all that God has in store for STCH Ministries. As an organization we will strive to: