The Ministry Continues – We Have a New Location
Thank you for continuing to read our articles, share stories, volunteer and be a part of STCH Ministries. We are grateful for your commitment – ensuring our ministry continues! Each of you has a role in making an impact on a life. You have the opportunity to participate in a visible change in the lives of children and families all over the world. We are an action-based ministry that invites you to be the hands and feet of Christ.
God continues to work through STCH Ministries, and we are thankful you have a front-row seat! We’d like to share a few things which have been happening around STCH Ministries.
We are excited to announce the opening of our newest office location in San Antonio, Texas. This office serves several of our STCH Ministries team members and ministries: Family Counseling, Faith & Finances, Faith & Work and Development.
It has been a worthwhile process to find the best location for our team and those we serve. We’re opening the doors to our staff, clients and students; and plan to schedule an Open House once the city has lifted restrictions. Here’s a sneak peek
We are continuing to monitor the status of our Family Counseling offices for re-opening for in-person sessions. We are diligently watching county restrictions, the COVID map, and the policy of individual locations.
When the respective county turns yellow or green we will access the option to re-open offices to see clients in-person. All our offices continue to provide distance counseling via ZOOM.
Our counselors are looking forward to seeing their clients in-person when it’s safe to do so.
If you or someone you know would like to receive counseling, please click here for more information: FAMILY COUNSELING
At our Faith & Finances – Houston location, we are excited to cross borders and offer Faith & Finances via ZOOM in Spanish taught by our bi-lingual Site Coordinator, Alisha Holt. This class will include participants in Houston as well as in Mexico, Venezuela and Columbia!
Additionally, in Houston, we are hosting our 3rd Community Network meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, at 11:00 AM via Zoom. The purpose of The Bridge is:
- Introduce and expand awareness of STCH Ministries to Houston
- Learn and celebrate what God is doing both locally and globally through various churches, businesses and non-profits across Houston
- Discuss ways to leverage these available resources to people across the city
If you’d like to join us for this networking opportunity – please click here: ALISHA HOLT
Our students on the Boothe Campus are now back to school in-person. We are so grateful for everyone who supported their needs! Please join us as we pray for a great school year!
There’s still time, if you’d like to help a student succeed click here: BACK TO SCHOOL
As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about how to get involved, please let me know.Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!